Thursday, January 12, 2012

Cover Wars: The Selection vs Illuminate

Welcome to Cover Wars! Cover Wars is a fun little feature of Tantalizing Illusions all about the appreciation of beautiful covers. Every week two covers will head off in a battle. Last week's winner, the Defender will go up against this week's hopeful, the Challenger. The winner is determined by your votes and your support!

Last week was another week where The Selection absolutely dominated the voting. This week, can it continue to do so against our new challenger, the very pretty Illuminate by Aimee Agresti?

The Selection (The Selection, #1)vsIlluminate

Both covers have the most gorgeous distinctive font and are pretty girly. Both are side shots but leaning in different ways. And of course, it's the classic red or blue! They're looking good!

Now comes the hard part. We've seen the pretty, now we need to see which is your favourite cover. Which cover appeals to you more? Remember to vote on the poll to the right on the side bar.

Let the Cover Wars... BEGIN!

*For more exciting Cover Wars, visit The Book Faery. *


  1. Oh! Tough choice but I would probably pick The Selection! I love the shimmery blue colour... it seems more eye popping!

    1. It is bright and captures your attention, I agree :)

  2. I like The Slection cover best, but both look gorgeous :) !!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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