Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Cover Wars 2012 Wrap Up

Maybe I'm late to the party. Scratch that, I'm definitely late. I had this brilliant idea a while back to do a complete wrap up of Cover Wars, one of my most popular features. You guys voted and it was insane which covers dominated so consistently.

As you can see from this nice little chart that took absolutely no time at all to make, three covers stand out. They're all tied for first.

The Elite (The Selection, #2)FlutterWhat's Left of Me (The Hybrid Chronicles, #1)

Any of these covers particularly stand out for you?


  1. They're all striking for different reasons, but for me 'The Elite' is still my favourite.
    Although Flutter has a sort of Mystic beauty about it.
    Love your cover wars posts

    1. Thanks! I can see what you mean, but I think my favourite would be What's Left of Me. It's cold and so clean looking, if that makes sense. :)


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!