Monday, August 6, 2012

Recommend me a Classic

I don't read classics. Honestly, they don't often interest me. I think it has a lot to do with society and the difference in thinking and writing, but at 15 I can't honestly think of any classic I really want to read. I'd rather read modern interpretations and re-tellings. I know this is some type of blasphemy. The story should be the same, right, so how can I not like the older books but like the newer ones. I can't relate with older reads. I appreciate the writing but the stories themselves very rarely are things I'd read out of school. 

So what's the point of this post? I don't know. I know so many people love classics and I'm wondering if maybe I just haven't read the right one. Maybe someone could recommend me a classic that I'd like? So I thought I'd make a list of classics I've liked and classics I didn't like. Some I've only watched the movie of, but I didn't like the general storyline. 


The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Little Women
The Little Princess 

Didn't Like

The Arabian Nights 
Lord of the Flies 
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
A Wizard of Earthsea
Treasure Island
Romeo and Juliet*
The Taming of the Shrew*

*love the language but the plot doesn't interest me

I really can't stand too much description. I will skip over it no matter how good the story is- it was one of the reasons I couldn't read the His Dark Materials series. I also am not interested in pure romances- I want more action than that. I'm looking for an interesting, fast paced read that is entertaining. I personally don't care how literary a book is if it doesn't entertain me. 

I'm really interested in seeing your recommendations. :)


  1. To Kill a Mockingbird is great. I also loved Peter Pan by JM Barrie and now I'm on to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

    1. I'll check them out- thanks for the recs!

  2. I loved To Kill A Mockingbird. In high school we read Night of The Hunter it was good, and Pride & Prejudice it is kind of romance-y though. I tried reading Dracula once but lost interest.

    1. I'm curious about Pride and Prejudice... I've read a bunch of modern adaptations and I liked it, so I think I'll try it out.

  3. Let's see… This is quite the challenge. Honestly, we're not sure that all of our recommendations are going to hit home with you, but they are all definitely worth a shot!

    Jane Eyre
    Anne of Green Gables
    pride and prejudice
    to kill a Mockingbird
    the great Gatsby
    great expectations
    the Phantom of the Opera
    the Scarlet Pimpernel


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!