Sunday, February 19, 2012

Other (Super Easy!!) Ways to Follow Tantalizing Illusions

Yup, it's my turn to do one of those "you can follow me via..." posts.

Basically, with the impending loss of GFC to non blogger blogs, the whole blogger world has realized it's time to diversify the ways we follow one another. So here are some ways to follow Tantalizing Illusions.

1. Linky Followers. I LOVE IT! Make an account and start following just like you would with GFC. 

2. Twitter. I'm kind of a fail at this, but I promise I'll be better. I'll basically tweet about new blog posts on Twitter. Follow me, AshesTantalize!

3. Goodreads friend me! I love Goodreads, and I already post every review I write, plus a bunch of mini-reviews or initial thoughts and reactions on a book there. I'm going to start posting links to posts via status updates, and stuff like that.

Next few stuff is really easy.

4. Follow by Email for posts everyday sent to your inbox. I'm using Feedburner and you can sign up on the right.

5. Subscribe! That can be found on the right too, above the GFC page. You can add Tantalizing Illusions to your reader, or whatever you want.

I'm thanking you all in advance for following. :)

Now here's the most important part. These are all the ways I'm already making my content available. That doesn't mean they're the only ways. If there's another way you follow blogs and I don't do that, let me know in the comments. Do I need the Networked Blogs thing? Do I need a Facebook account? Google Plus? What's your favourite way to follow blogs?

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