Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Book News: Scary School

Have you guys heard of this new MG series written by Derek the Ghost called Scary School? It seems like a really funny book, and perfect for any MG fans. I love the trailer for it especially, the music and I just wanted to share it with you guys.

The second book in the series, Monsters on the March recently released it's cover.

It looks pretty cool eh? I think it's just a great series to share with some of the younger boys in our lives. If you're interested, there's more at the official website.

1 comment:

  1. I tend to brush to the side all the MG reads that I have on my tbr in favour of YA reads, but I'm hoping to change that habit because I feel like I am really missing out on some great MG books! This one sounds cute and funny!


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