Sunday, November 6, 2011

In My Mailbox (20)

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi from The Story Siren all about the new books you've received throughout the week. These can be review titles, books you bought, books you borrowed, whatever! IMM is about show casing these new titles. 

I have said I've  been on a book getting ban which is why I didn't get anything last week. (*sobs*) So this week, when I saw the books that came in for me at the library I completely ignored that ban and took them all. I'll probably never finish them all in time but I couldn't let these titles go. 

For Review

Seize the Story by Victoria Hanley (The Book Depository/Amazon)
First off, thank you Prufrock Press! I know November is NaNoWriMo but I can't participate because of school. But I can still write! I'm really excited for the tips & tricks here. Plus, the cover is so much fun to look at. Every time I notice something new. ☺

From the Library

The Hidden by Jessica Verday (The Book Depository/Amazon)
I've always liked this series and I can't wait to see how everything turns out. Plus I'm curious about that ring!
Fury by Elizabeth Miles (The Book Depository/Amazon)
I've heard some great stuff about this one. Plus, the cover is soo pretty!
Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins (The Book Depository/Amazon)
Anna and the French Kiss was awesome, which gives me more than enough reason to read Lola!
The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson (The Book Depository/Amazon)
I've also heard so much good stuff about this one, and with the creepy cover and premise filled with suspense, it's one of my must reads.
Chain Reaction by Simone Elkeles (The Book Depository/Amazon)
I'm such a huge fan of this series and I love Simone's books! I know I'll devour this book and I can't wait to read about Luis' story. 

Beautiful Chaos by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl (The Book Depository/Amazon)
I met Margaret on tour and she was awesome so I'd probably read any book she writes... but I do love this series too! I ♥ Casters!
Drink Slay Love by Sarah Beth Durst (The Book Depository/Amazon)
This title is amazing. The cover looks awesome. Plus, I make it my personal mission to read anything in YA about slaying and hunters. Yeah, I'm a Buffy and Supernatural fan. 
How to Save a Life by Sara Zarr (The Book Depository/Amazon)
Sara Zarr comes with huge recommendations so I wanted to try this book. Also, the title reminds me of that song How to Save a Life and I liked that so I couldn't pass on this book.
Dark of the Moon by Tracy Barrett (The Book Depository/Amazon)
I honestly have no clue what this book is about, but the title and the cover make it seem right up my alley. I'm ready to be surprised!
Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor (The Book Depository/Amazon)
I've seen nothing but good about this book. Seriously. I need it. Plus the cover and premise look awesome. 
Beautiful Days by Anna Godbersen (The Book Depository/Amazon)
I love Anna's books, plus Bright Young Things was great! I love reading about the 20s!

So that's what I got in my mailbox this week. I honestly just want to take three weeks off school and finish all the books on my TBR so I can start these. They sound great and I'm looking forward to reviewing them. Anyway, thanks for visiting Tantalizing Illusions! Feel free to comment and leave a link. Let me know what you got in your mailbox!

Happy reading! 


  1. Rules of Attraction is AWESOME and I really want to read Lola and the Boy Next Door. Great mailbox!!

    Here's my IMM!

  2. Oooh I see some great books on here! Smoke and Bone was fantastic and I can't wait to dig into Lola.

    Xpresso Reads

  3. Wow!! You got a lot! Hearing a lot of good things about the Name of the Star too! Seeing it a lot today too!! Putting it on my bday/xmas list!

    Here's my IMM

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. @Jessica I know right? I love Rules of Attraction, though personally I'm a bigger fan of Perfect Chemistry.

    @Giselle: I agree! Smoke and Bone + Lola looks sooo good. It's taking all my control to follow my list.

    Thanks for visiting you two!

  5. Great mailbox! Lola is on my wish list. Enjoy all your new reads.

  6. So jealous of Lola and the Boy next Door, since I totally ADORED Anna, I've been dying to read Drink, Slay, love as well, so jelous of that too!

    I'm a new follower of your blog! :)

    My Mailbox

  7. @Jessica: I hope you get The Name of the Star! Thanks for visiting!

    @Mrs Q Book Addict: Thanks! I hope you get Lola soon!

    @Jade: Thanks for following :) I hope you get Lola and Drink Slay Love soon. They book look really good and I did a happy dance when I saw them at the library.

    Have a great week and thanks for visiting everyone!

  8. Jeez, you really fell off the ban this week :O Still you got some awesome books. Everybody is saying good things about Daughter of Smoke and Bone, The Name of the Star and Lola :D Enjoy all of your lovely new books

  9. Drink, Slay, Love is really good. I loved Pearl, she was such a great character. Hope you like it! :)

  10. Great set! Loved Lola! I'm reading Smoke and Bone right now and it's very good.
    My IMM

  11. @Kate: Yeah, all or nothing. :p Thanks, have a great week!

    @Christy: I'm glad you liked it! I have big hopes for it.

    @Alison: Happy you're liking it and I can't wait to see your review :)

    Thanks for commenting and visiting everyone!

  12. Enjoy all your books - you got so many great ones this week!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!