Sunday, November 20, 2011

Cover Wars Exiled vs Girl of Nightmares

Welcome to Tantalizing Illusions' Cover Wars, a feature just about appreciating the awesome covers of YA.  Every week, (the day seems to change every time) I will be posting two covers. One cover is the winner from last week's Cover Wars and it will be known as the Defender. The other cover is the Challenger, who is here to try to win against the Defender. They way the winners are chosen is up to your votes on the poll to the right. If you love a cover, make sure to vote for it!

Last week there was the battle of Exiled, versus Everneath. Exiled won again for the second week in a row. Now, Exiled will battle to defend itself against our new beautiful challenger, Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake.

Exiled (Connected, #1)vsGirl of Nightmares (Anna, #2)

Hard choice, eh? Exiled is a stunning, colourful close up while Girl of Nightmares is seductively dark and a full body shot. Both of these covers could easily win.

So now that you've seen the competition, get ready to VOTE! Let the Cover Wars... begin!

Remember to leave a comment letting me know what you think and your suggestions for future Cover Wars. Also, visit Book Faery for more exciting Cover Wars!

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