Sunday, November 13, 2011

Cover Wars: Exiled vs. Everneath

 I hope you forgive the late post. Last week was crazy but this week will probably be way smoother so I can post and generally be around more. Anyways, let's get to the good stuff:

Welcome to another fabulous edition of Cover Wars, a feature at Tantalizing Illusions all about appreciating the beautiful covers in YA. The way it works is that every week there are two covers- one will be the Defender which has won last week's war and is ready to defend it's position this week against the new Challenger, which is a cover ready to take on the Defender. You can vote for who you think will continue every week on the poll to the right.

Last week's war was just so incredible. Incarnate vs Exiled- it was a hard pick. There was so much support for both covers though in the end, Exiled was triumphant. This week, Exiled has to defend it's position against Everneath by Brodi Ashton.

Exiled (Connected, #1)vsEverneath (Everneath, #1)

We do have two stunning covers this week, don't we? They're both so different too. Exiled has a beautiful face shot with butterflies and is overall wild and full of fantasy while Everneath is darker with a gorgeous red dress that descends into what looks like some kind of dark water or smoke.

Now that you've seen the beauties it's time to vote for your favourite. Yup, only one can move on though they both deserve spot. And that one can be chosen on the right!

Thank you for all your support and let the Cover Wars BEGIN! ☻☺

1 comment:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!