Monday, November 14, 2011

100 Followers? Thank you to my followers ♥

*a letter to my followers*

Dear Followers of Tantalizing Illusions,

First and foremost, thank you. This does mean a lot.

I value more than anything the fact that you awesome people seem to be interested in what I read, and my bookish thoughts. Thank you for caring. 

I'd also like to say that blogging is hard work and there have been times I've felt like it's too much and I'll never succeed, but because of you followers, your lovely comments and your votes on Cover Wars and tweets, I've continued. You bring me joy and this, talking to people about books is what book blogging is all about. 

A million thanks,


(P.S I will be celebrating with a giveaway soon☻☺) 

1 comment:

  1. You deserve a 1000+ more! :) Your blog is beautiful and your reviews very thorough and insightful - love ya!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!