Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday Blog Hops

It's Friday! Friday, Friday... *hears groans* Okay, I'll stop now. I'm just in an awesome mood because it's a gorgeous day today!! :) Now, on with the hopping!

Follow my book blog Friday is hosted at Parajunkee's View. This hop is all about sharing the follow love, discovering new blogs and answering cool bookish questions. Every week there's a featured blogger. This week the featured blogger is My Keeper Shelf so don't forget to comment and visit her blog! This week's question is... 

Q: Do you judge a book by it's cover?

My answer is... Yes. Well, kinda. I decide to pick up a book by it's cover. Usually covers reveal a ton about a book and a pretty cover makes me excited for a book. That doesn't mean I only read books with pretty covers. If I find a cover iffy, I always check the summary. Usually that helps. I like pretty things. My first impression of a book is it's cover so obviously it will be a better impression if I like the cover. What do you think?

Anyway, it's been a good week. Spring is finally arriving! I'd also like to say a huge welcome to everyone visiting and leave a comment! I like to know who's taken the time to visit and to return that favour. Happy hopping! Hope y'all have a great weekend!

Also, please vote for your favourite cover on the poll to the right! Hades or Illusions? I'm just interested in your opinion.


  1. I agree! The cover will get picked up if it is a nice one! I'm a new follower. My FF is at Coffee Table Reviews

  2. Hi there thank you so much for taking the time to stop by my blog today via the Follow me Friday feature. I am now following you!

    I love the pink and grey background it's gorgeous!


  3. Hi. New follower here through FF.

  4. I agree with you completely! A nice cover is fantastic- but if the summary sounds awful, then who cares right? But, eye candy always helps! :)

  5. New Follower .
    I Love the Background colours :)

  6. I also judge a book by the cover. At first glance. That's how I get interested and want to know more! When choosing though, it's the description and storyline that makes the final decision! :)

    New follower!

    Rebecca @ kindle fever

  7. I often judge books by their covers. Sometimes I'm right and sometimes I'm wrong, but I have found some great books via their cover.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!