Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Cover War! Hades vs. Illusions

It's that time again! Cover Wars is a fun little feature I like to do seeing which cover people enjoy the most. Each week the winner of the previous war will go on to face a new challenger. The books I'll consider for Cover Wars are pre-publication books (they're not released yet) that might have something that ties them together. Or I'm just curious to see which cover people like more. Right now I'm looking at colours (namely orange). All you, the fantabulous judges need to do is take a look at the poll to the right on the sidebar and vote for your favourite cover. The vote is open for about a week. Feel free to leave a comment explaining your choice though!

Last week Hades won against The Demon's Surrender. This week, it's Hades vs. the much awaited Illusions (Wings #3) by Aprilynne Pike.

Hades (Halo, #2)vs. Illusions (Wings #3)

Which cover do you prefer? Which cover will triumph? Stay tuned folks to find out the winner next week and the new challenger!

1 comment:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!