Friday, March 4, 2011

Book Blogger Hop

Hey guys, it's Friday, which means 3 things: We get two days to do whatever we want, there's Supernatural on tonight, and lastly it's time for the Book Blogger Hop!

Book Blogger Hop

In the spirit of the Twitter Friday Follow, the Book Blogger Hop is a place just for book bloggers and readers to connect and share our love of the written word!  This weekly BOOK PARTY is an awesome opportunity for book bloggers to connect with other book lovers, make new friends, support each other, and generally just share our love of books!  It will also give blog readers a chance to find other book blogs to read!

This week's question comes from Mia who blogs at Girl About Books:

 "Who's your all-time favorite book villain?"

Amazing (but really hard) question! I would say Damon Salvatore, but he's not entirely a villain. He's actually a lot like a hero. So I shall probably say Lord Voldemort. He's terrifying, evil, has a sad background but doesn't make me feel bad for him. I'm always curious about villains. So much that I end up pitying them, but I never pitied Voldemort. He's a memorable, historic villain and someone I can call without hesitation "evil". 

So what's your favourite villain?

To everyone who visits, thanks and welcome! Leave a comment so I can return the visit! And have a fun Friday and a great weekend! :)


  1. Yes Lord Voldemort for the win. I can't imagine anyone more villanous than him. I am an old follower, just stopping by.

  2. I agree! Voldemort is a great villain!
    I'm a new follower, great blog!

    Somer @ A Bird's Eye Review

  3. Hopping through! Voldemort is definitely a classic villain.
    My Hop

  4. Hey! I saw your interview on YA Booklover's blog and came by and followed :D
    And yay a fellow Supernatural fan! Friday's are the best.

    Have a great weekend :]

  5. My favorite book villain is, hands down, is the Napoleon of crime -
    Professor James Moriarty.

    It took me less than ten seconds to come up with my answer. But you'll
    never guess why.

    Hop on over to my blog and find out --

    Howard Sherman

  6. Hi there! New follower stopping by for the CFB FF blog hop :-) Another Voldemort just goes to show how influential a villain this dude is :-) To find out my fave villain, please visit my site :-)


  7. Voldemort seems to be a popular choice. And your picture shows that not only is he scary..... he has really scary teeth (which is enough for me!). :)

    Happy Hopping!

  8. Hopped on over from Booklover Blog.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!