Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Weekly Progress

The Weekly Progress is a feature I do every Sunday on my blog that basically organizes my bookish life.

This week I also got a new layout for my blog which I hope you guys like. I really like it since it's black and pink, dark and fun which basically sums me up perfectly.

This has been a pretty good book week for me. Though not a good blogging week, which I'm sorry about. I need to blog more during the week instead of posting three or four times on the weekend. Also, if anyone wants to always know what I'm reading, they can add me as a friend on Goodreads which I do visit a lot. (Just click the G button on the right.)

Books Read:
The Glass Demon: A NovelAwakened (House of Night)Castration CelebrationHunger: A Gone NovelThe Lost Saint: A Dark Divine Novel
Of those books, I've reviewed The Glass Demon, Hunger, and The Lost Saint. If you'd like me to review another  book or just share my thoughts about it,  let me know! :)

Currently Reading: 

TBR Soon:
The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: An Eclipse Novella (Twilight Saga)Beautiful Dead: Jonas Bk.1 (v. 1)The DUFF: (Designated Ugly Fat Friend)EverlastingFirelight. Sophie Jordan

I've checked out way too many books from the library so I won't include that.

Anyway, I had a good week and I hope you did too!




  1. I really enjoyed The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner! I thought it was an interesting spin on Eclipse.

  2. Glad you like it! I'm excited to read it.

  3. I like your layout, it's really pretty.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier, I'm now following your blog. I also friend requested you on goodreads. :)

  4. I'm reading DUFF right now. You'll have to let me know what you think of it.

  5. I will... So far I really like it. I'll be looking for your review too!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!